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R & D

Since its founding, OFITECO's innovative vocation has led it into the field of design and fabrication of sensors and equipment for the instrumentation and acquisition of information. In the past several years, OFITECO has undergone its own fabrication, leading to a philosophy of system integration, permanently innovative, which shows its zeal for improving products and services and this way, the applications and techniques that they employ have become in one of the OFITECO's main differentiated ways.

Strategic lines of research:

The main challenge of the R & D in OFITECO and its management units, is the investment in new research, development and technological innovation projects, to guarantee the continuous improvement of the consulting services offered, and to fulfil the expectations of clients and other stakeholders. For this purpose, OFITECO has several strategic lines of research, namely:

  • New Structural Health Monitoring Techniques Integrated with BIM
  • New Risk Analysis Techniques for Critical Infrastructures
  • Neuronal Networks applied to Dam Safety
  • Early Warning Systems and Decision Support Systems
  • Climate Change 

Development of Tools for the Analysis of Stability on Slopes with Potential Risk to Critical Infrastructures. XLIDE | Transport

Development of Tools for the Analysis of Stability on Slopes with Potential Risk to Critical Infrastructures. XLIDE

The objective of the XLIDE project is the development of an innovative tool which can analyse and control the safety level of critical infrastructures vis-à-vis the stability of slopes in the surrounding area.